Conceived by artist and ceramicist Roop Johnstone, BellHouse is a playful, interactive sound sculpture that premiered at the EUPORIAS General Assembly in 2016.
Originally commissioned by the Met Office and Kaleider on behalf of EUPORIAS, BellHouse now revisits its roots of translating climate data for Climateurope September – November 2020.
BellHouse is inviting delegates to share their data to be translated into the chimes of 34 bells, challenging how data is presented, communicated and mis-communicated. BellHouse asks:
How is your data heard? Who hears it? How do they interpret it? And what do they do next?
To find films of some of the final interactions from the Climateurope webstival, click here. To navigate the site and find out more about the interactions, click on the images or titles in the carousel on the home page or click on these titles:
From there you can find out more about the interactions, listen to or watch BellHouse playback data via the clickable links on the timelines on these pages or search using categories in the overall timeline on this page.