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EUPORIAS (European Provision Of Regional Impacts Assessments on Seasonal and Decadal Timescales) is a four year collaborative project funded through the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. It is led by the Met Office, and involves 24 partner institutions.

EUPORIAS is leading the way in the growing field of Climate services by developing usable and actionable climate information, involving users across different industry sectors, in order to make better decisions in building resilience to the climatic changes in the seasons and decades to come.

Largely, we have assumed that the underlying climate isn’t really changing. But we have been caught off-guard when shifts in our climate have altered the environment around us. We know today that our climate is not stationary; in fact it is changing rapidly. We need to create tools and share knowledge to help us deal with the emerging challenges these rapid changes pose to our societies – we need to create climate services.

The European Commission has invested heavily in a strategic plan to put Europe at the forefront of climate service development and delivery. This is the beginning of an exciting new field, but given the importance climate adaptation will have for our future, it is crucial we rapidly develop the ambition, knowledge and tools to deal with these new challenges.

EUPORIAS is leading the way in exploring with users to how to develop useful and operational climate information. Rather than creating another climate information portal, the EUPORIAS project has been visionary in working with users to identify their critical decision points and working with them in design of their own climate services to help them make better decisions while increasing societal resilience to climate variability and longer-term climate change.

EUPORIAS commenced on 1 November 2012 and brings together a wide set of expertise from academia, the private sector and the national met services. Since then, EUPORIAS has developed six semi-operational prototypes of climate services, a number of user-specific case studies as well as making some significant advancements in the science underpinning these services.

Met Office

The Met Office (Meteorological Office) is the UK’s national weather service. Founded in 1854 by Robert Fitzroy as a part of the Board of Trade, it’s forecasting origins lie in the aftermath of the famous “Royal Charter” storm of 1859. A gale warning service was created to warn ships at sea of approaching bad weather.

The Met Office is based in Exeter and was the venue for the first installation of BellHouse in 2016 for the Euporias Final General Assembly.